Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things?.?.?.?
Hum...I think if I were to make a list of favorites, kettles would not be on it--let alone bright, copper ones. Plus, I HATE brown paper packages. I prefer the bright patterned kind with fancy ribbon, not string. However, the song got me to thinking about the things I do love. AND lucky for you, I'm going to post ALL of them. So sit back and enjoy! (These appear in no particular order).
1. Sailing: I did this for the first time this year, and it is fabulous. The feel of the wind in your hair, the dolphins and flying fish cruising alongside the boat, sipping a nice Diet Coke. Nothing like it in the world. (By the way, the Pepsi in my hand is my husbands. Don't worry, my favorite diet soda--I would never cheat on you. :-))
3. Running: I NEVER thought I would say that. However, there is something wonderful when you hit your stride; breath becomes rythmic, feet turn to auto-pilot, and music blares in the headphones.
4. My kids laughing: I wish it happened more often. Usually it is the sound of squabbling that drifts up from the basement. But once in a while, when the moon is full, I hear all three laughing that deep-belly laugh that comes from true enjoyment--and they are actually doing it together. So Good!
6. My job: Working with kids is not the easiest of jobs, but it is definitely enlightening. Seeing a kid finally catch on to something they've never understood is priceless...AND...It never gets boring. So for someone with a short attention span like me, it is perfect.
8. Pajama Days: I truly adore days when I can stay in my pajamas from sun-up to sun-down. I enjoy staying in bed that long too. Usually my life is so busy, but every once in a blue moon, this happens, and I LOVE it!
9. Movies: Bad movies, stupid movies, funny movies, sad movies--it doesn't matter. I get excited even thinking about the smell of the popcorn, the sticky floor, the lights dimming, and the previews coming on the screen. I just relish sitting in a darkened movie theater.
11. Campfires: It is no secret to anyone who knows me that I hate camping. I don't like being dirty and I hate things not being convenient. However, I L-O-V-E sitting by a campfire. I like roasting marshmallows, hotdogs, and just the end of the stick. Even the smoke smell is kinda comforting (that is, until the fire is gone--then I don't want that smell around me anymore. I H-A-T-E smelling like a campfire.)

Okay--done revelling.
14. Useless, but Interesting, Information: I have a penchant for 'Bathroom Readers'. No seriously, they have some really great info. in there. Little snippets on the edges of magazines or sides of cereal boxes. There are hidden facts all around us. I collect the facts and store it in a rarely used section of my brain entitled: "Things it probably doesn't matter if you ever remember again, but it's cool."

...SO now you know a little bit more about me. If these don't stop you from returning to my site, then I don't know what will. I accept the fact that I am strange...I guess, you had just better accept it too.