Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hawaii AND Bust...(my pants that is)

I'm a little late posting this, but between BBQs, Trampoline set-ups, stitches, classroom moving, etc., I haven't had time.
My husband and I got back about a week ago from a thoroughly relaxing trip to Hawaii. Ahhhhh, was it blissful! We stayed up late, learned to be 'slumdog millin-aires', ate, woke up early, snorkeled, ate, lounged on the beach, ate, saw sea turtles, swam with sharks, ate, watched t.v. without having to get up once to break up fighting kids, ate, read books, solved People Magazine crossword puzzles, ate, drank pina coladas by the Turtle Bay pool, went on a sunset catamarran sail,ate... Are we seeing a common theme?
I think I spent two months trying to body prep myself for this trip. I ate less, exercised more, got a pedicure and gel toes (recommended), a spray-on tan (not recommended), got my hair cut and highlighted, and waxed,well we won't go into that (ouch!) I really wanted to look fabulous. I then spent the entire week of my vacation undoing all the hard work. My spray tan washed off in splotchy blotches after about one trip to the beach. My hair was, well, humidity-driven the entire time (aka frizzy), and I ate so much food I gained five pounds. Why do I do this myself? Because looking good is hard work and work frankly, SUCKS!
Now don't get me wrong. This trip is definitely in the Top 3 BEST vacations I've ever been on. Our friends we traveled with were awesome! We've always been good friends, but it was truly fun getting to know them better. I laughed more in that week than I think I have in the rest of the year combined. I discovered snorkeling and that I love it. I even want to get a Scuba License now. I became a beach bum (which if you've known me at all-you'll know I usually shun the sun). I learned to take life one moment at a time and just breath in the moments I am given. I came home a different, more relaxed kind of person.
So, to recap...With all my work and worry,I didn't look fabulous for even one moment of the trip. I couldn't even compare to the beautiful beach babes walking around Waiemaie Beach. BUT... for the first time in my life I didn't care. This trip taught me that there is more to life than how we look. It's about embracing life and having fun whenever you can. AND... that is a lesson I will keep with me always.
THANKS HAWAII! I'll be visiting you again soon.

Monday, June 22, 2009


My sister's cat had kittens a while ago, and ever since, my kids have been begging and begging to have one. I will admit that the kittens are stinkin' cute, but I also know they only stay that way for about two months. Therefore, instead of taking one home we just go over there and hold them until we get our fill of the cuddliness and then leave them there. Here are a couple of pictures of my kids soaking in the cuteness.

Jordan Family BBQ

This past weekend was the annual Jordan family barbeque. We usually get together when my husband's sister, Jojo, is in town. This year we had almost everyone there. Fun was had by all, and it's always so good to see everyone. It was a great night.


Our poor little guy is very accident prone. He probably falls down, hits his head, and/or skins his knees at least three times a day. Last Friday, he decided to do all three at once. Our little neighbor was bringing him home from playing at their house when Andy decided to break away and run on his own. Sure enough, he face-planted it into our rock pile, sliding his hand and arm down a board that just happened to be sitting nearby. The end result? Stitches and several splinters in his hand and arms. It has been really gross because there is no way to keep it clean. Plus he has a little bit of a cold and blowing his nose has been interesting to say the least. Here are the "have-to" take disgusting pictures of the accident. Warning the pictures are not good, but hey, you got to capture it for posterity. Teeth through the lip?? OUCH!
Still being a sport even when he's in pain.

Kids Big Birthday

My husband and I decided that this year we didn't want to buy the kids a bunch of toys which we would have to step on and pick up five times a day. So...
This year we bought a joint present for our kids and got them a trampoline. They begged us and begged us to set it up, but we were leaving for Hawaii the next day and didn't have time. When we got home, it was the first thing they asked about when we stepped out of the car. "Will you set up our tramp now?" So... without further ado. Here are the first pictures of the kids and their brand new Tramp. Cute Kids Enjoying Their Present
Toyota! (does anyone remember that commercial?)
Tyty's Tricks
Getting the Hang of It
The New Tramp