Tyler's New Glasses...What a hottie!
Myself, on the other hand, has never quite "grown into" my glasses. They still sit there on my face as an atrocity. This latest pair I call my "Pam" glasses. I spent as little amount as possible on them and they definitely look like it. I can just imagine Michael saying to me..."Oh Margie, ugh, ew, you look so...ugh...ugly". But oh well...what can you do? Once you turn 30, it's pretty much downhill from there.
Lovin' the "Geek" glasses
On the up side...my daughter, Micky, is also following in my footsteps with becoming a dancer. She can bust a move and strike a pose just as well as I can. She sings and dances all over the house. Sigh, I've taught her so well. Someday she will be able to become as cool of a mom as I am. That is when she decides she loves me again. Right now she currently "Hates" me. Also like me, she yells really loud when she gets mad, stomps around so that the house shakes, and slams a door like she really means it. Unfortunately, this is also how I was as a child. (Of course, I never do those things anymore :) Oh why can't we choose the traits we pass on to our children?
Dancing Queen...She's that girl...
Andy, so far, has inherited two of my very best traits; my cheesy smile and my thoroughly upbeat, totally not sarcastic, very, times infinity, positive attitude:) Actually he is much cuter than I ever hoped to be, but I guess you have to take at least something from your dad,Right?
For those of you out there considering ever being a mom,take this from me: Your kids will drive you crazy. (Mostly because they act exactly like you:) They will "hate" you and ask you for money and complain how you are the "meanest" mom in the world. BUT...For some reason (maybe I'm a masochist) you will love them more than anything else in the whole world. So bring on the following in my footsteps. There are worse things in this world than becoming like your mother. Did I just say that again?
I love Ty's new glasses! He looks adorable :) Micky is so cute in her little outfit. Her hair is getting so long. I think Boo's is the same length as it was this summer. And your little squirt keeps getting cuter and cuter. I remember your pink glasses. For some reason I thought they were red... must have been that super old camera I took your picture with. I thought you were cool, just the same :)
How did I miss this post? Your kids are absolutely adorable. Love the glasses.
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